Sunday, July 19, 2009


The townhouse was officially broken in last night with the long-awaited housewarming party! Turned out exactly as I hoped it would!! The food, the drinks, the DJ, the guests...all was great! And I think everyone had a great time, too.

The roommate and I spent the entire day getting ready...I was up at 6:30am and Brian had stayed up until 3:30am putting together the furniture from our IKEA trip on Friday. We cleaned, put away all of the stuff we hadn't gotten around to since moving in, hung a whole bunch of wall art, cleaned some more, and set up all of the food and drinks. Alex, one of Brian's friends, was our awesome DJ for the night and came over early to set up. He brought all of his equipment and vinyls and Brian hooked up a bunch of home theatre speakers on the project table in the dining room. It was such a perfect arrangement that people thought we brought in the table just for that!

Throwin' down the hottest tracks.

By the time the party started, I was definitely proud of all of our hard work and planning because the place looked great!
We had the drinks set up in the kitchen....pretty much anything you could ever want, alcoholic or non-alcoholic. A few lovely people brought us wine as a housewarming gift, too, so we definitely didn't run out! We had tons of food set up on tables in the dining room - a bunch of little cakes and cookies, a sushi pyramid, various dips and chips, and some more lovely people brought us all kinds of other goodies. The living room was more chill, with the couch and a lot of chairs, and was where most people went to talk.

As the night progressed, we even busted out the party lights and people got their dance on.

Overall, it was wonderful and I'm so thankful for everyone who came and that it turned out so well!

Needless to say, I have gotten next to no studying done for the exam I have in 24 hours!! Time to get on that...

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