Friday, July 24, 2009

Favorite Thing of the Day

BĂȘte noire from Rene's Bakery in Broad Ripple
(a.k.a flourless chocolate cake)

It was first discovered (at The Urban Townhouse, at least) by Brian, who brought some home from The Best Chocolate in Town (which, really, I'm pretty sure it is the best chocolate in town).

Now, I LOVE chocolate. Love is sometimes even an understatement. But in general, I'm not too much of a fan of flourless chocolate cakes. They're usually too much like a chocolate brick on a plate. But when I tried this one... O.M.G.

Then we got about half a cake more from some amazing party guests last weekend, as if they knew!

The cake has the perfect amount of moisture and air (?...I'm no chef) so that it's not too dense, and the ganache is TRULY amazing. It even tastes the same after being in the fridge for a few days :)

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