Friday, July 24, 2009


So I had a really good hair day today. Despite what it might sound like, I'm not actually bragging about that because I have pretty much zero control over whether my hair looks good or not on any given day. I do the exact same thing to it each day and it seems to just decide for itself after that if it wants to cooperate or not. I usually end up being either relatively ok with it or I feel like I need another shower to just start all over, but when I got home tonight after visiting my parents and happened to look in the mirror, I was actually surprised. It looked GOOD. Good like how I always try to make it look but never quite succeed.

How this happened is beyond me. I tried to examine it further to see if I could recreate it, but I know that's just futile.

Maybe, hopefully, one day my good hair will decide to show up again. And maybe it'll stick around for a while next time.

Told you this was random.

Time for sleep...gotta be up in 5 hours for work...

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