Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm Still Crazy...

...but at least I'm flying out to Miami instead of driving!

Everything for this trip has worked out beautifully:
  • * I just happened to have Thursday and Friday off since it just happened to be the one week between oncology and peds clinicals where we have nothing scheduled...
  • * Monica just happened to also be free at that time, too...
  • * We found a flight that got us out to Miami on Friday in plenty of time to see quals and somehow got a direct flight back on Sunday...
  • * flight back just happens to be one of the IRL charters, so Roommate and an assortment of other IRL homies will be on it too!
  • * Renting a car was cheap as hell.
  • * Hotel stay worked out because Roommate has a 2-bed room all to himself!
  • * Got the pit passes once again from my favorite team

It's all working out so perfectly, right?!


Let's hope the forecast changes!! Let's REALLY hope!!! Really.

btw, what's the difference between 'isolated' and 'scattered' storms? Which is better if you're, say, trying to avoid them?

1 comment:

Alisha Erin said...

If this helps, all the times that I have been to Florida, we get rain but it doesn't rain all day, and then it's just gorgeous outside. So root for that. :)